Monday, March 15, 2010

President Monson was conducting our Sacrament meeting

So my cute little blue eyed monkey is now in primary. She loves it, and we love hearing about what she has learned. Yesterday was a pretty good lesson. Izzi was so excited to tell us that she had learned about President Monster. Both Dave and I looked at each other and said "who?" "President Monster" she said, as she proceeded to show us his picture. We tried to tell her that his name is President Monson, but it didn't seem to work. When we got into Sacrament meeting about 5 minutes later and one of the councilors was conducting, Izzi leaned over to Dave and said "look there he is, there is President Monster." Dave tried to tell her that it wasn't and explained who it was, but she pulled out her picture of him and said "yes it is dad, look".

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