Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Good News Minute

Izz's first day of Ballet. Oh how she loved it.
Max is done potty training, I think we could officially say he is trained. He sleeps through the night with unders, he poops and pees very successfully on the toilette. I have to say it is pretty awesome. No more diapers for us for a couple of months.

The picture is of Max and Izzi eating doughnuts at Dinkels Bakery in Roscoe Village. A very delicious bakery if you are every in the area.

Last of all the good news, the new baby is going to be a girl. We are super excited (especially Izzi). Send all of your girl names our way.


Alexis said...

I didn't know you were preggers!!! Okay, maybe in the back of my mind I did when I saw you last week but I didn't want to be mistaken. Congrats!!!! I am excited for you!! How fun!

Deb said...

Congratulations on the pregnancy!! So exciting! I can't believe Max is potty trained, I guess I still picture him as a little baby. Izzi is so cute in her ballerina gear. Yay!

Chelsea said...

Jealous! I am pretty sure the baby is a Chella.

Cass said...

My vote is for Chella. Cute ballerina. Now I want a donut.

rupee40 said...

Wow, Izzi and Max are huge! In a good way...they are darling.
Congrats on #3! Can't wait to see her when she makes her arrival. Hope you guys are doing great. We miss you.