Friday, January 21, 2011

It's a tit bit Nippy Out!

In past posts I have mentioned that it is cold here in Chicago, but I do not think I realized what cold ment until the last 2 days. Example: The kids and I piled into our car this morning to take Dave to the train station so he could catch the 8:24 express. I walked into our garage and I knew it was cold, as I was trying to put the kids in their car seat my hands started to get frost bite on them. No joke, maybe a little. So as we are driving to the train station Dave checked the temperature it was a balmy 2 degrees, feels like -19 degrees. Yes that is right -19.
Now let me explain the feels like part, because my mom thought when I would tell her it feels like negative something, that it was weather according to Cassie. No it is not. The weather stations out here say "temperature 2 feels like -19." Because of the humidity and windchill it almost always feels colder than it is. In the summer it has the opposite effect, the humidity makes it feel hot, hot, hot.


Chelsea said...

I have not heard "It's a tit bit nippy" in way too long. Glad you were not scared to put that as your title. I hope you survive the cold.

Deb said...

YUCK. I do not envy you at all. Today it was like 50 here, sunny and nice, we only needed jackets. Sorry! :( At least you get to live by one of the coolest cities in the world! (Not that I would know.)

Cass said...

We breast go in....